Our Grading System
Gradings are conducted to assessment the student’s improvement in the moral and technical discipline of Goju Ryu Karate. Students are required to demonstrate karate techniques and skills in line with the syllabus for the level at which they are testing.
Kyu Grade (Coloured belt) examinations are held twice per year and overseen by Seishikan Australia senior officials.
Dan Grade (Black belt) examinations are held in November of each year and conducted by the head of Seishikan Australia, Shihan Phil Bates.
Ranks and Belt Colours
Beginner………. White Belt
9th Kyu ……….. Blue Belt
8th Kyu ……….. Orange Belt
7th Kyu ………… Orange Belt + Stripe
6th Kyu ………… Yellow Belt
5th Kyu ………… Yellow Belt + Stripe
4th Kyu …………. Green Belt
3rd Kyu …………. Green Belt + Stripe
2nd Kyu………… Brown Belt
1st Kyu …………. Brown Belt + Stripe
Shodan …………. Black Belt